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Specialty Café

Are you a medical student or resident choosing your path in healthcare? Grab a coffee and settle in… this café is for you! Our hosts (med students & residents) chat with Royal College specialists and residents about their day to day lives, the reasons behind their specialty choices, the joys, the challenges, and more!  Although conversations are full of specialty insights, you’ll gain invaluable life advice about being a fulfilled and excellent clinician (and human being). 

Feedspot has voted Specialty Café as one of the 10 Best Canadian Medical Podcasts. 

The Royal College produces a uniquely French version of this podcast - Café des spécialités:

Season 7 coming this fall (2024)! 

Sep 5, 2024

Thanks to you, our Specialty Café community, we're gearing up for the next season. In the meantime - are you interested in winning a $50 gift card? Here's how:

  1. Listen to Specialty Café.
  2. Rate and review (and enjoy!). 
  3. Take a screenshot of your review and email to us at Include your name, school, and year. 

Winners will be announced at the Canadian Federation of Medical Students' (CFMS) Annual General Meeting in Moncton, New Brunswick on September 20, 2024.  Specialty Café will be hosting a live podcast with a few Royal College specialists (afternoon Sept 20, details to follow soon). 

Good luck!